Wednesday, January 14, 2009

about PGLM 3

taken from tiara's blog

Monday, January 12, 2009

An almost brand-new PGLM for season 3!

Questions and answers for MHI / Breakfast show:

Question 1: 60,000 people have watched the PGL The Musical, so why should they come see it again?

If you have watched and enjoyed it before, you will enjoy it even more this time. Every member of our team is committed to do better than they did before.

“Regulars” and repeat audiences of PGL - the musical will notice:

* Additional sets throughout the show

* The completely new lighting design throughout the show, which will bring a completely different energy to each scene,

* Some fresh new music, as well as new musical arrangements.

* Some new costumes

* More use of 3D in the Video Projections

* Tighter, deeper performances, which should pack in more of an emotional punch,

But the most significant change to the show will be a completely new element we are really excited to explore which is the use of illusions and special effects.

During our study tours of musicals over the past few months, Zahim, Malek and I noticed that the new musicals were using a more high-tech approach, which seemed to gel very well with new and seasoned theatre audiences. Lord Of The Rings, Zorro, Tarzan, and my favorite, Wicked, featured a lot of 3D and special effects, designed by illusionists. It represented an evolution of tradition-meets-modern-world, where audiences were looking beyond just the songs and dances to expect something a bit more spectacular and dynamic.

I think the show will move much more smoothly now and sparkle with a fresh, new attitude and energy.

Question 2:

What about the others who have not watched the show, never been to the theatre? What would u like to tell them?

I would say there are half a million other potential theatre-goers in the klang valley alone who haven't been to the theatre! For a lot of them, the theatre going culture is not a natural normal culture for them unlike watching TV, going to the cinema and even watching a concert. We hope to introduce theatre as a beautiful new EXPERIENCE.

These people have not yet experienced the magic of being transported into a magical world of music, beautiful lyrics and dialogue, mesmerizing sets, breathtaking choreography, an where your emotions are heightened because you are a part of what’s going on, on stage in front of your very eyes…

Everything is live, interactive, its perfection-100 ppl have to hit the perfect moment at the same time. 120minutes of precision and perfection! There is absolutely NO room for error.

Q : what was Enfiniti’s main mission when you first designed and planned for PGLM in 2006?

We made it our mission, and designed PGLM to be the best first experience in the theatre so that they will go to the theatre again and again. Its live, interactive, its perfection-100 ppl have to hit the perfect moment at the same time. 120minutes of precision and perfection!

Ppl who watch PGL have said that its as good as and even sometimes better than international shows. I'm sure every Malaysian wd be proud to see Malaysia produce world class productions. This is what the industry has been striving to achieve over the years.

The mission of our team is to contribute to this effort, and with the pool of talent and many quality productions we have seen over the past three years, I feel we are coming closer and closer to reaching this target.

Q : PGL made Malaysia proud being the first Malaysian musical to be performed at the prestigious Esplanade Theatre. What would you describe as one of your most unforgettable experiences performing for your first international audience?

The biggest recognition for PGL is that we were invited to perform at the Esplanade, which is so particular about the quality of productions they bring in. Feels so good to hear so many Malaysians in Singapore, saying how proud they are to be Malaysian tonight.

Q : Final message to the audience:

Personally, I’d say that Malaysian audiences who come to watch the show this February will see many things they haven’t seen before in past seasons of Puteri Gunung Ledang The Musical.

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