our girl fern had posted almost 70 new and old photos at her multiply. here are some previews. go to fern's multipy to view the
whole collection.the tuan director and his muse? my name is sean ghazi and zana luscious
apakah kau akan sentiasa cintakan ku? my name is sean ghazi and siti nurhaliza
bila nak berbuka ni... my name is azrol, yong, rafiq, megat, qahar, defoo alvin and d-ha
dara dan teruna sekampung (???) my name is ida mariana, alvin infinatez, fauzuly d-boy and shah infinatez
a pose... miss universe... my name is alvin, ida, atilia, pat, raja malek and queen melissa
tak faham aku dengan budak jantan 4 org ni... my name is yong, alvin, shah infinatez and megatron
pantang nampak camera... my name is nadia luscious, maya tan, pat, sean, ida, megat, alvin and yong gp ... huhuhu
i'm lonely, ram... my name is sean and melissa
hopefully, there will be rerun when I come home next year.
all the best to u ya :)
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