Alamak... terlepas betul la... acara pagi ini betul betul best. geram rasanya sebab i tak dapat join kerana hari ini, seperti hari Ahad yang lain, saya sibuk dengan latihan teater saya... geramnya tak dapat join...
Talking about geram, i have had it... 2 months i am keeping it to myself, yesterday i blew up. If you have been reading my blogs earlier you would have notice about my small little problem with my fellow actor in my current theater project URMI aka Shakespeare's Tempest.
I told him about my unhappiness working with him that there's no good chemistry which is important in a play, especially when in the whole play, i'll be acting with him . Told him that all this while i felt like I'm acting alone as i am not getting any positive energy from him. plus the fact that i am frustrated that we both been acting in a void without one more actor who will only arrive from Singapore this coming May 5th (Press preview on 7th) Gila rasanya nak kerja macam ini.
I guess we settled the problem as i figured his character is like that and i guess i'll use that feel towards him in all of our scenes as my character is suppose to be irritated with him in some scene.
But today after working the whole day from 10am till 5.50pm in KLpac, i'm beginning to understand him better. We'll work it out fine. I figured, opening up is good.
hi chedd..
nak tumpang buat announcement kat sini blh tak ahaks.. hehe..
Sesiapa yang menjumpai/menyimpan/menyorok slipper kiroro milik gadis jepun sila kembalikan kepada pemilik sementara slipper tu. Tolong kesian kat mamat korea tu ye.. dah tercari-cari slipper tu. Sesiapa yang berkenaan harap maklum. Ahaks..
Ganjaran lumayan menanti anda..,
Ahaks... haha...
abg chedd, I think you should seriously help solve this kiroro problem... nampak gaya nya selagi kiroro tak balik ke kaki pemilik sementara dia, selagi tu la announcement penting mcm kat atas ni akan masuk...
tapi funny giler laaa... mcm mana kasut tu boleh famous giler
afundi kiroro
bro chedd...
cheq nak minta tolong sikitt..
tolong pesan kat shawal..lagu minggu nih tak payah nak amik pelakon xtra...dia sorang dah cukup...tak berkenan aihh..nak tengok aksi pelakon jemputan..(cheq boleh agak dah sapa tu..)
satu lagi..bagi la sipar kilolo tu kat dia...sian kat shawal...barula ada ummph..nanti..gerenti 'kuak la pullokkk'...
Thanks coz jual pantun tu kat shawal... syok tengok mamat tu menggelabah kekekekke
tumpang ketawa untuk seliper Jopun itu..
sikit je.. hikhikhik...
hey cheer up!
this is life ... at least u try to be transparent... thats great! :)
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