Monday, December 31, 2007
about the year end
Thursday, December 20, 2007
about dayang nurfaizah dan anugerah skrin
When it's time for my movie i bangun and turn around and there i saw seated behind me this lovely malay girl in a baju kurung, minimal make-up smiling at me and she said hi to me. we shaked hand, wishes hari raya and suddenly i realised it's Dayang Nurfaizah!
She looked really manis and pretty in baju kurung , i bet most people wont realize it's her but nevertheless, she was nice to said hi to me.
so we chatted for abit, a lil hi-hi-bye-bye but realising my movie about to start and my friend mimy probably waiting for me already. i have to go but before that i did tell her that to check-out this blog because i said ... "your gambar masa anugerah skrin, i dah upload to my blog... jemputlah singgah" and she said " great, nanti i check".
so aku pun jalan menuju Cineleisure... 10 tapak nak sampai Cineleisure, aku ketawa sorang sorang gelak besar... why ? sebab i just realised that i havent upload any photos from anugerah skrin yet hahahaha. but i did upload Dayang's photo with me to my facebook.
ok lah Dayang and kengkawan semua... here it is.
kalau nak tengok gambar gambar lain, saya dah upload kat my facebook. ok gtg
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
about Tiara and her new baby name Ruai
Driving pass the area i was shocked with this new building besides Borneo Rainforest and i immediately felt very welcome within the environment and i especially love the grand entrance. go to cheddgraphy the see the photo of the entrance.
Not even a year after Borneo Rainforest Cafe opens her door, The Ruai was born. The concept as i can see is different from Borneo Rainforest Cafe where at the cafe , it is family oriented while here at The Ruai, it is more hip and happening with entertainment is the main focus here. what is very clear is the very strong feel of Serawakian (DS Effendi's home-state) decos every where giving me the feel as if i am in Serawak!
Datin Seri Tiara and Datuk Seri Effendi latest baby, The Ruai is an extension to the now very popular themed eatery outlet, Borneo Rainforest Cafe in Sunway Lagoon area . The Ruai at Borneo Rainforest is a young, hip and happening bistro with Serawak cultural theme decked throughout the outlet. with great environment, waterfall, music and long house and without a need to fly to Serawak to experience Serawakian hospitality, The Ruai is a great place to hang out with friends and family. just drop by and chill. it's very theme-park like!
more photos here
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
about yanie's first single
i must say that her vocals is unlike what i remember her during her mentor days. clearly vernon, audi and ning has done something good here
find out more about yanie here at mrmanager's blog
Sunday, December 16, 2007
about Dafi's 19th Birthday
But what makes me more proud was that his singing has improved tenfold! and his confidence level are way better as it is evidenced in him handling his fan, getting the crowd scream and scream for him!
Although i would say there are parts of the event arranged by DFC can be potong out from the day's agenda, i would say by the end of the day, Dafi saved the day and with him singing songs at the end which was really was the highlight of the event. there are some familiar faces amongst the crowd, some friends from the press (although it's their off day for most of them), Dafi's family and fanatics.
His friends from AF5 were not there because most of them are busy, some are now in Kuantan for the Gempak Selebriti ASTRO event, some with recording and what not, but i think it's ok since this is a day out for Dafi and his fans. we were entertained by the KL Tower cultural dancers, the VID (committee member of Dafi's fan club) plus the tandoori and beriyani was EXTRA DELICIOUS as Vernon and Abang Najmi would agree because we all went on for 3 plates tanpa malu hahaha.
Click on the photo above to bring you to the photo collection i took during the event or you can also click here to view more photos. You can also read and view extra photos i took for Vernon at his mrmanager blog
I was glad that i was there, had fun with new and old friends. by the way, My Name Is NOT Remy, it's chedd... with a broken english... hehehe
Saturday, December 15, 2007
about Anugerah Skrin baru habis
towards the end of the show where we performed the closing number Cahaya Anugerah
source :
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
- 12 of us from P Ramlee The Musical will be doing the opening number with a melody from the musical with a totally new dance (funky) routine choreographed by the multi talented Pat Ibrahim. the 12 of us features zeqhty, azrul, nadia, zana dan ramai lagi.
- Diha, Nita and the Floor Fever boys will be backing up Ferhad
- My iideas being implemented by Helen Yap for Asmara (thanks Helen)
- drama komedi saya, Keluarga Adam nominated for best comedy series
- the 12 of us also will do the closing number singing Cahaya Anugerah , lagu tema Anugerah Skrin
- Cahaya Anugerah is written by Helen Yap and lyrics by me
so make sure y'all tengok hari jumaat ini di TV3 jam 9 malam ok or you can watch it live on
Monday, December 03, 2007
about best comedy nomination's video
Sunday, December 02, 2007
About Hello CHEDDgraphy

1. Writing or representation produced in a specified manner or by a specified process: photography.
2. Writing about a specified subject: oceanography.
3. Representation of a specified object: phonography.
The English suffix -graphy means either "writing" or a "field of study", and is an anglicization of the French -graphie inherited from the Latin -graphia, which is a transliterated direct borrowing from Greek.
Friday, November 30, 2007
about Dec 14 nanti...
Monday, November 26, 2007
about FeverDolls and Dina

Bummer! of all the days, ini hari i forgot to bring along my camera so i have to settle with my phone's camera. wasn't happy at all because now i am so used to taking photos with my Nikon... anyway jumpa juga dengan kawan lama Dina ( Malaysian Idol ) also getting ready for her performance. (kalau u all sempat tengok video Malu tapi Mahu ada budak nama Chedd gelek Inul ngan Dina huhuhu).
Thursday, November 22, 2007
about photos during P Ramlee the musical

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
mesti tengok :: music of the night

about anugerah skrin 2007
telah tiba! telah tiba masa! malam gemilang
anugerah! seniman dan wayang gambar!
Pagi semalam, bertempat di Ballroom Hilton Sentral KL, kitaorang ada show. show untuk press conference Anugerah Skrin 2007. Istimewanya Anugerah Skrin ini tahun, Drama komedi lakonan saya, Keluarga Adam ade ade aje dicalonkan dalam kategori Komedi Bersiri terbaik.
Tetapi kehadiran saya kat situ bukan sahaja untuk pencalonan tetapi juga sebab kami buat preview untuk persembahan pembukaan malam anugerah itu nanti yang akan Live diTV3 Dec 14th nanti. Antara yang terlibat nanti ialah, saya, zana dan nadia Luscious, Zeqhty dan ramai lagi dibawah koreografer Pat Ibrahim. kebanyakan nya terdiri dari ensemble P Ramlee the Musical . Nantikan persembahan kami itu malam dan harap harap insyaalah Keluarga Adam menang. jangan lupa undi ok!
Drama lakonan Nadia Emil Emilda juga dicalonkan. Ramai juga yang hadir tadi dan ini ada sedikit gambo gambo antara yang sempat saya snap sebab tak cukup masa nak snap untuk tatapan anda semua. and as usual all photos posted are KLIKable
p/s: sape tengok drama misteri Jalan Simpang Burung kat TV3 2 hari lepas? dah 5 kali ulang tayang you!
Sunday, November 18, 2007
about Atilia at Bangkok Jazz

Persembahan Atilia dimulakan tak lama selepas itu dengan sorakan peminat dan kengkawan semua. to be honest that was the first time i am watching her live as an audience with her singing her own style and songs and i must say that i am really impressed with her stage command and allure. it really shows how a pro she is. the song choice are of her style with lots of Sade, Mary J blige and some nice nu-jazz song selections. but i must say it suited her voice and image and the crowd loves it as it shows with the finger snapping and foot tapping that i see last night and occasionally sing along :)

Friday, November 16, 2007
about withdrawals ,Gila Panggung dan futsal

So, dah 2 minggu P Ramlee The Musical melabuhkan tirai, kitaorang buat apa? hmmm... macam macam... Abis Show hari Sabtu, Ahadnya saya potong rambut jadi pendek selepas simpan lama sejak AF5... Sean ada show, Disamping sibok dengan Sehati Berdansa (astro RIA) Atilia pun ada show malam esok kat Bangkok Jazz jam 10 malam (jom pergi tengok), Liza Hanim pulak sibuk promosi album sambil merindui pentas, kami yang lain-lain? macam macam lah , 2 hari lepas habis P Ramlee kami gi main Futsal kat Wangsa maju Dimana group Casts lawan Group Transformer dan kami kalah kan group Transformer 15 -8 hahaha Adlin dan Pat Ibrahim pun ada sekali., pastu lepak lepak minum minum, esok, saya ada rehearsal untuk show kat TV. next month ada dinner shows kena buat, dan lepas ni nak lawan main bowling pulak. Dan sementara itu, kami tengah tunggu panggilan telepon untuk project seterusnya je hehehe.
Nak buat camna, camni lah hidup anak panggung... kalau dah Gila Panggung tu Gila Panggung jugalah.... memang rindu.
casualty of the day, alvin infinatez
Saturday, November 10, 2007
about being bored...
Monday, November 05, 2007

Friday, November 02, 2007
about our Hunk Tuah's new album!
Stephen Rahman-Hughes, our Hang Tuah in PGLM's super vocal group, Teatro will be releasing their album soon. keep a look out as they are good and they will invade your living hall, your car stereo, iPods, bedroom and everywhere!! trust me. here's a sneak peek...
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
about extra performance...
hi friends!
just to share with you, before news is released to the general public tomorrow, enfiniti productions is confirming 1 additional performance of p.ramlee the musical, 3rd november at 3pm (matinee performance). this will surely be a most emotional performance for the cast as its going to be their last day of performing for this season... tickets are available through and istana budaya's 24-hr hotline just as before, so good luck, its 1stcome-1st served...
hope to see you all there!
Monday, October 29, 2007
about not working... bored

Friday, October 26, 2007
about no mishap and jason scott lee
sempat lagi tu lepas habis tukar baju pergi ambil gambar huhuhu
Thursday, October 25, 2007
about Gala Night and my little mishap...
ramlee kecik 2 : syafie (mukhsin)
segalanya berjalan lancar malam semalam cuma part saya je agak kureng sedikit semasa saya mahu mula menyanyikan lagu Perjalanan Bintang dimana tak tahu dimana silapnya, saya termasuk lambat sedikit tetapi selepas itu semuanya terus lancar. harap malam ini lebih baik. insyaalah.
seperti yang anda dapat perhatikan , saya jarang update. ini kerana saya agak sibuk kebelakangan ini. tetapi saya janji saya akan cuba update selalu. dalam pada itu kalau anda ingin lihat gambar gambar belakang pentas silalah tengok album Multiply saya :) ada banyak gambar disebalik tabir disitu...
oh btw, kalau nak tengok wajah wajah, saya, Datin Seri Tiara, Sean, Melissa, Adlin dan Liza Hanim sila silalah beli majalah STYLE keluaran November sebab kami ada didalam issue tersebut bercakap tentang P Ramlee dan muzikal.